How Much Progress Have You Made To Having The Ideal Business? - Focus Your Thinking

How Much Progress Have You Made To Having The Ideal Business?


Are you trying to grow outside your expectations?

If you keep asking for more without specifically asking what more is, then you will be disappointed.

This is a way to drive growth, in most cases not healthy growth.

Does this story sound like you?

You want to find a solution to your business growth problems, you are looking for that magic bullet, fix all solution. The magic bullet which will solve all your problems and you will arrive at your destination done and dusted end of story.

Unfortunately, this is the unhealthy way, you have not figured out a sustainable solution. You have got and feel good in the moment your have got your dose of instant gratification, but there is another one just around the corner.

Measured progress is the healthy solution. You cannot change quickly without the foundations being in place.

What does that look like?

You make progress, your business grows, you reach that next level and then you step your business up to the next level of growth. The success stories you see in business happen this way of step by step instead of arriving and saying I have made it. Isn’t this how you want to grow your business.

So how much progress have you made?

Do you have the steps to your future growth?