How To Focus On The Highest Value Thing In Your Business That You Need? - Focus Your Thinking

How To Focus On The Highest Value Thing In Your Business That You Need?

How to focus on the highest value

You may struggle to find what what is of the highest Value in your business.

The struggle is not about picking the highest value thing. Most of the time the hard part is knowing it will add value.

Most of the time you choose without knowing which specific thing you are doing is valuable.

You may not have this problem and already have this sorted in your business.

How do you know?

The quickest way to know is if you have measured the things you do and you have metrics in place that you can point to and say YES IT IS!

Once again if you said yes to this stop reading.

If you find yourself being a person that just takes actions without measurement, then you could be a candidate for some huge improvements.

There is a great quote:

You can't manage what you can't measure." - Peter Drucker

This is exactly why you need to be able to measure. It may be okay to start by taking action. Once you take repeated action on the same thing, then you need to measure to see the value you are adding.

Testing alternatives or variations could improve your results significantly!

The other alternative offered is you don’t like to think in practical sense because you want it to be more emotional.

Unless you have a measurement you are not going to be able to have the emotional high either, so you are loosing out both ways. You need to put the measures in place to verify your emotional feel or gut feel. Verification of your gut is excellent, most of my client I say I trust their gut instincts than thinking too hard and being indecisive.

The key is focusing on the highest value thing. Is to know and be able to verify what the THING IS!!

The Power of FOCUS and Focusing on the Highest Value is a great combination.