Action Speaks Louder than Words - Focus Your Thinking

Action Speaks Louder than Words


“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do” – C.G Jung

If this is true, then action speaks louder than words.

I would agree whole heartily because what we actually say is totally different to what we are thinking.

Until we are not thinking and then speak straight from the subconscious.

This is where we really find out what we are about. Catching yourself saying things that you don’t think about is where your real improvements can happen.

As you think back to some of the common sayings you have in your everyday life, yes the ones that have been there forever and most probably come from when you were growing up. Are just repeating what your parents and family were saying around you. If you can't think when you started saying those words, then guess what. You just copied and didn't realise

Brene Brown the author of Daring Greatly recalls saying something on stage in reaction to someone yelling out to her and she quickly fired back…

“YOU can’t swing a cat without hitting a narcissist.”

Her recollection of it caused her to think even deeper about why she would say that and here is her explanation.

“Granted, it wasn’t my most eloquent moment on stage. It also wasn’t my intention to offend anyone, but when I’m really fired up or frustrated, I tend to revert back to the language instilled in me by generations of Texans who came before me.”

When these moments happen in our life, it’s doesn’t help to run away and hide till the next time it happens and shrink up into the cracks in the floor. NO it is to think about where that has come from and is it relevant to your current life, is it enabling me to grow as a person or does it keeps me STUCK in the same place.

What’s in the words you use?

I would suggest that you keep this in mind the next time it happens to you. This is the most useful way to make change happen faster. Listen to yourself, really listen. If you don't like what you hear, decide right at that moment to change.

“What is the belief behind t​​​​hat term of the phrase I just said?”
​​​​“Is it a Disabling belief or is it an Enabling belief?”

Catching yourself is very useful to what is happening subconsciously in your mind