“I can’t do that, but I can do this!”
These words come out of your mouth before you even think...
Language and the words we use are our beliefs and ultimately are the limiting beliefs holding you back in life and business.
Words are that powerful it can hold you in a lifestyle, your business not growing.
Awareness is the first step to
The meaning that we attach to doing something is everything!!!
For instance, in the area of fitness and training, I have competed in 4 Ironman races and now when someone says to me can you do a race that is less than this distance, my immediate answer is YES, It immediately goes to, do I have the time to train because I have a strong belief about completing the race. Its if I want to allocate that amount of time to that goal?
Now an Ironman race is Triathlon event with Swim Bike and Run.
2.4-mile (3.86 km) swim, a 112-mile (180.25 km) bicycle ride and a marathon 26.2-mile (42.2 km) runs yes that’s right a Marathon distance run.
A funny story many years ago when we were doing a corporate Triathlon that was a 300m Swim 8km Bike and 3km Run a friend who was racing triathlons asked some people at work to come and do the event and their words were all in one day no way… this is a classic case of a self imposed limiting beliefs at play. So once again the meaning attached is, I have no understanding how they can do it so it is dismissed as I will ever be able to achieve that.
Are we doing this with our businesses and not even
There are some people that this type of thinking doesn’t even enter their minds usually people that have a motivational strategy of Achievement Away, they are always looking for a challenge that no other person can do or no other person that they know has done.
The rest of the people are mostly stuck in this quandary of wanting to challenge their thinking, but having a mindset of being overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenge and task at hand.
As a matter of fact the top 1% of highly successful business people didn’t start with the success they have now. It was a step-by-step mindset of thinking. They had seen something that could be better and focused on improving it.
Look at Evan Williams, who started his success with “Blogger” a system that would become a platform now that most of the world use to communicate instead of in a magazine or newspaper. Did it just happen overnight, no he almost went broke pushing the idea. He forged ahead and believed “I can do this”
Continuing with Williams, next was Twitter. Twitter was a side idea for

Williams encouraged people to throw ideas on the table, this idea went on to be the

Then Jack Dorsey moves on to challenge another market Mobile Payment with his product idea “Square”.
What is happening here is great idea’s that are followed through and saying how can I do this instead of “Well I can’t do that”.

I am here to tell you there is a need to think big if you want to change this perception. It will force you out of your natural instinct of resistance to putting yourself out there to be potentially shut down.
I am not saying you need to be shot down or take unwarranted risk. Everybody has that idea in his or her head as a business owner how to take it to another level. We get caught up the enormity of the end product or service instead of focusing on the steps to get there.
How to Succeed
Think about taking action in 3 months chunks; you will get overwhelmed if you try to map out details past this time frame.
3 Months is a good time frame that you can assess your progress on your vision and long enough to make adjustments to your plan that will ensure you reach that goal.
Capturing your Idea
Keep an idea’s board or document on your computer that collects your ideas so they can be added to your current ideas or this may be the one idea that changes everything and will be the one.
Change once and for all
Decide to remove from your vocabulary and thoughts “I Can't do that”. Replace it with “I Can do this and more”