The Three Types of Breakthroughs - Focus Your Thinking

The Three Types of Breakthroughs


We have a tendency to generalise the breakthroughs we have, therefore we don’t know what caused them.

Your breakthroughs are the most important part of your business. Measuring your success is the way to know what caused the breakthrough.

If you can measure it then it can happen again. If its some mystical event that happens, then you will be searching for the unknown  to your business.

There are 3 main types of breakthroughs that you can have:

  • 1
  • 2
    Process, Routine or Habit
  • 3



Knowledge breakthrough happens when you are learning something new that you had read or done before. All of the sudden you realize that what you just read or were told fills in the missing pieces and everything makes sense to how you can use this knowledge to change everything in your business and move forward quickly. You will finally be able to achieve a big goal you had been working on for a long time.

This has been said over and over again in history KNOWLEDGE is POWER.

Knowledge is important, without new information change cannot occur.

Knowledge gap and you learn something, change behaviour substantially breakthrough!!



There are processes all around you and you don’t even realise how many affects our success.

You have a tendency to focus on one way you do things well and get stuck performing the same process, routine or habit. You say to ourselves, you must change, but still the same thing happens. Simply put, your brain loves to conserve energy so once it finds a simple and easy way to do this it overrides your conscious thoughts and sets this in as what will keep happening.

Why is this important?

Because when you make a significant change in your process for the better you have a breakthrough. What stops you is trying in the first place, because if you try it then it may fail. Failure is not nice, there are huge fears wrapped around this type of behaviour from what has happened in the past, so you avoid at all cost.

How do you make a process change and not evoke the fear that will cause you to go back to your old process?

Testing, trialling and knowing the boundaries of the test, the first step is not to change, you are testing what it feels like with you, once you assess this first step, then the next step is to say “can I use this in my everyday life”. The final step is to plan out how that can change in your life and implement it.

This is very important because the process, your friends, work colleges and business partners can say there is a better way for you to do something. And consciously you know that you should do it. But you stick to the old way, the well-trodden path wins out every time and no breakthrough happen.

What is a process breakthrough?

A Process Breakthrough is when a change occurs, and now it's so much easier to do what took a long time and effort to perform before is reduced significantly.

This leads to the last type of breakthrough



The previous two seem more tangible than this one.

Perspective is an unknown factor to most people and even when a breakthrough has occurred from a perspective change it is more than likely labeled as the previous two changes.

So how do you explain a perspective change?

One way to understand it is through an example. Let's look at the perspective you had as a teenager and the perspective you have now around the money you earn.

As a teenager earning money was an exciting new thing, the actual work could have been exciting or it could have been something that got in the way of your parties that you wanted to go to. Either way you were earning money didn't have many responsibilities so your perspective was its new and exciting to have your own money and buy things without having to ask.

As you are now, there are many more responsibilities with that money you are either paying a mortgage or rent that has to be paid out of that money. You have bigger commitments that consume that money you earn so you have a different perspective around the money you earn.

Actually, it's even hard to think how you thought back then because you have this different perspective on money.

The different perspectives that you come from play a big role in how you think, but until you look specifically at what they are, you will not even realise they have changed for you.

A great saying I love is:

“The same way of thinking you got to where you are now, will not get you to the next level.”

You need to think about what you are doing right now from a different angle, different mindset and using different peoples way of doing the same task, processes and knowledge being learnt.

Because you do the same thing and you will get minor changes. This isn’t where the breakthroughs occur, breakthroughs are out in the wilderness waiting for you to discover them.

I can hear you saying “but how do I do this?”

First steps are to read different books, follow and listen to different people to your thinking.

As you start to listen and hear different concepts, start to ask the question “how could these people think that way, when they say or do something different to you?” They have a different perspective to you and once you can understand it then you can have a perspective change in your thinking in your business.

What is a perspective breakthrough?

Perspective change, you realise you were looking at it in a limiting way for you to progress. Once you realise everything changes you can't go back. Similar to Neo in the Matrix swallowing the red pill once you know and have had the breakthrough no going back.

Look for your breakthrough because that is the way to make massive change.

Be specific and you will find the answer to your breakthroughs and can do more.