Why Do We Do The Things We Do? - Focus Your Thinking

Why Do We Do The Things We Do?

Why Do We Do The Things We Do

Do you know why you do certain things in your business?

Or do you just do most things on autopilot, without asking why?

Change is the normal state of affairs in your business. What you do is either changing for the better or for the worst.

You are the type of person that is constantly improving what you are doing in your business, then the question that you ask more often will be “why do we do the things we do?

The "WHY" you do thing in your business is your perception. When you started your business, you would have had one perception of the "WHY". Overtime with experience and realisations, that perception will have changed.

Just because you started doing it one way doesn't mean it will be done that way forever. Once we change our perception of how we do certain parts of our business, we need to update the habit, process or routine we used to do. If this doesn’t change we will be drawn back to the old routines.

Making change

The quickest ways to do this is STOP and ask “why do we do the things that we do in our business this way?” If you really want to advance even quicker, than go one level deeper and ask.

"Why do I THINK this way?"

My discovery with most business owners and clients is this change in perception completely changes their business.

Once you become aware of your business from another perception (understanding), it makes all the difference needed to change your business for growth and change to realise your dreams.

I struck gold when I realised that if the habit can be changed in the perception then it becomes more permanent. This is at a deeper level because it is entrenched in your thinking now.

A great example of a person changing their perception, is one of my clients I will call James, who had been in business for 2 years when he came to me and everything had been going well but he couldn’t grow his business to the next level. He seemed to have reached a ceiling on how much he could earn and he was stalling to bring on more people to grow his business. This seemed simple just hire people and your business will grow and yes, consciously and logically it’s true.

The switch and wake up to his deep perception.

As I started to ask him why, he discovered that he had a perception of how his parents were with him in their business. As his parent had got to this same level in their business they completely changed as people and started to ignore him as a child. This was his perception of this situation because as I asked him was it the same situation that was happening to him right now and would he become like his perception of his parents? The answer was an emphatic NO. And even more so his daily habits that were put in place would show him daily and weekly if he was falling into that same the situation.

That's what was required to change his perception and it changed his habit around this scenario. After this insight James business grew to that next level.

Set about putting in a routine or new habit to review your perception of your business

Ask the question "WHY" do I do this this way in my business and you will make significant progress!!