What Is The Idea That Is Going To Work? - Focus Your Thinking

What Is The Idea That Is Going To Work?

What Is The Idea That Is Going To Work

Everybody wants to know this if you don’t know the actual thing that is going to make it happen.

Surprisingly enough the people that have made it and your eyes, also are the same as you and I and don’t know the one thing that makes it happen.

So it’s not really one thing!

It’s a collection of things

More importantly, how you think about it that counts.

What it takes is being able to see scenarios from multiple perspectives and not getting caught up in one way will work. The plan needs to involve getting feedback from potential customers. 

Real people that would buy your products or services and identifying the sequence of things that will make it happen!

So there you have it. There is no one thing, as soon as you stop looking at it that way and replace your thinking with "The sequence of things and get as much feedback from real people." You will be on your way to succeeding.