Are You Perceived As Being Trustworthy? - Focus Your Thinking

Are You Perceived As Being Trustworthy?


How are you being perceived by the people around you?

Do you interact with people as being Trustworthy?

Charles Feltman famously states

“The fact is people act on their assessments of your trustworthiness, not yours. Your best intentions can’t change their opinion. Only by changing what you say and how you act can affect how others assess your trustworthiness”

You may be doing your best to be trustworthy from your perception. The thing to focus on is how you are perceived. Why is trustworthy, so important here, being trustworthy will open people up and let you in on the real problems in your business. Conversely, they will shut you down every time when you are not.

Take the time to find out what people think, it will have a surprising effect on your business!